The Sun is a thief who steals comets from other Stars

According to headline its true the Sun is a thief.Next time at night sky you thrill at the sight of a comet blazing,consider this ;it's a stolen pleasure.You're enjoying the spectacle at the expense of a distant star.

SWRI scientist Hal Levison  says ,"if the result are right,our Sun snatched comets from neighboring stars' back yards". The also believes this kind of thievery accounts for most of the comets in the Oort Cloud at the edge of our solar system .

 we already know that stars from in clusters. The Sun was born within a huge community of other stars.For this the stars were close enough each other to pull comets away from each other via gravity . By dint of gravity The Sun and other stars steals comets each others orbits

Jupiter's Moon maybe help to find out the life of beyond earth's clues

At present most of the scientist think that-JUPITER'S THREE LARGEST  ICY  MOON may be a suitable place for life.For better understand  of those moons conditions where life can form & grow,scientist want to explore them.Europa, Callisto &Jupiter's largest moon Ganymede are all believed to have liquid oceans beneath their icy shells, as well as organic chemistry and possible sources of energy beyond the dim amount of sunlight that reaches their distant surfaces. These are all conditions that may be required for life in much more distant planetary bodies.Some time ago most of the scientist thought these were  dead.But planetary scientist Athena Coustenis, with the Paris Observatory in France,said  at The conference of Astrobiology that a mission will be start to explore nickname JUICE very soon,To study the three moons.